Child Poverty
in Hong Kong
The HUB Children and Youth Centre aims to offer a sanctuary for Hong Kong children who live with the very real problem of poverty. In Hong Kong income disparity is so large and many children from poor families face a bleak existence, often living on meagre income.
Here are some startling statistics and information that may help to put a Hong Kong child living in poverty in perspective:
Child poverty means a low-income households with a monthly income of less than or equal to half the median income of all other household of equal size in Hong Kong. In 2020, the income levels of a low income household was $20,800 for a family of four; $16,000 for 3 family members; and just $9,500 for 2 family members.
In the year 2020, 274,900 children aged below 18 years lived in poverty.
Poverty is a growing problem in Hong Kong. Since 1995, the poverty rate in Hong Kong has risen from 14.8% to 23.6%.
In 2010, it was estimated that more than 210,000 (or 24.3%) children aged below 14 were living in poverty.
Children living in poverty in Hong Kong are more likely to experience more family transitions, for example having to move frequently and change schools often. They are also more likely to reside in poorer areas and attended less well funded schools.
Child poverty means malnutrition. Because they cannot afford to provide regular meals for their children, children from poor families are often underweight. This can also lead to bad dental and health issues.
Child poverty often leads to children having feelings of hopelessness and humiliation, and poor self-esteem. Children living in poverty are likely to have feelings of marginalization and negative feelings about themselves.
Children who are poor usually lag in their education. In acute cases, they may have to work rather than attend school, or because feelings of shame and social anxiety, they do not want to have contact with others so they may avoid attending school. As a result, they are more likely not to get an education.
Children in poverty are often isolated from other children, and not willing to have contact with others. They are often left at home unattended because their parents have to work, and as well as avoiding school, cannot afford to participate in extracurricular activities.